This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect

This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.


This error indicates that certain components that needs to available to the application are not when running a virtualized application within App-V.

VC++ 2005:
VC++ 2005 SP1:
VC++ 2005 SP1 ATL security update:
VC++ 2008:
VC++ 2008 SP1:
VC++ 2008 SP1 with ATL security update:
VC++ 2010:
VC++ 2010 SP1:
Visual J# 2.0:
VS 2010 F# 2.0 SP1:

Incase installing one of the above does not remedy the problem – you can manually setup the missing sidebyside-component. Review the error
message from the Application Log – see example below;

Log Name:      Application

Source:        SideBySide

Level:         Error

Keywords:      Classic


Activation context generation failed for “Q:\ecowin.002\VFS\CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES\EcoWin\EcoWin.exe”. Dependent Assembly Vinga.vscom90u,processorArchitecture=”X86″,publicKeyToken=”e520fe831c9439c8″,type=”Win32″,version=”″ could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.

Locate the referenced file within the package and copy it to the same folder as the application.
Create the first manifest to tell Ecowin where it should get its above Vinga.vscom90u (named ecowin.exe.manifest)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
<trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
<requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false"></requestedExecutionLevel>
<assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Vinga.vscom90u" version="" processorArchitecture="x86"></assemblyIdentity>

The second manifest telling Ecowin where VScom90u.dll was (named Vinga.vscom90u.manifest)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
<noInheritable />
<assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Vinga.vscom90u" publicKeyToken="e520fe831c9439c8" version="" processorArchitecture="x86" />
<file name="vscom90u.dll" />

The version, name, type, processorArchitecture, publicKeyToken are all picked up from the original error message.

European App-V User Group – 18 Nov, 2011

Presentations PDFs will be available at;

Presenters were;
Impact AppVirt on VDI (Project VRC phase IV) by Ruben Spruijt
Troubleshooting App-V & Common Issues by Madelinde Walraven and Sebastian Gernert
Future: App-V in Configuration Manager 2012 by  Ment van der Plas
Heavy Duty Sequencing by Nicke Källén
Server App-V by Jurjen van Leeuwen
Dynamic Suite Composition: Boon or Bane? by Falko Gräfe
User State Virtualization: Do I still need it when using App-V? by Rodney Medina
Top 10 Myths around App-V (all)

Shot and cut by Olle Källén, best quality available at his Vimeo account

Successful sequencing (or an interview with the guy who solved the excel.exe started by svchost.exe issue)

After a Microsoft support-case in which I was assisted by Sasha Loncarevic in resolving a problem where excel.exe initiated by a virtual application – had a parent process named SVCHOST.exe – an original solution came about. This solution could in a very short time be reused in a very similar scenario. Previously – only one similar thread had been posted in the forums describing a very spot on scenario. Excel is started outside of the virtual environment. Hopefully this interview can bring insight how Microsoft assists customers in resolving their issues and some insight to the details that caused it.


Hello Sasha,

sashalonFB (3)Can you please introduce yourself?

Hi, my name is Sasha Loncarevic and I am an Escalation Engineer at Microsoft UK.  I have been with Microsoft for 11 years, most of that time working with Enterprise customers to resolve complex issues in Remote Desktop Services and APP-V scenarios.  Besides working on the most political/severe problems, Escalation Engineers also work with the Product Groups and Sustained Engineering teams to debug problems and deliver Hotfixes for bugs in the source code.

How long have you been working with App-V / Softgrid?

I started working with APP-V in early 2007; shortly after Softricity was acquired by Microsoft.

Whats installed on your computer?

A full Microsoft stack as you can imagine!  I have several machines at work: three are running Hyper-V to host my repro environments, so around 10 guest VMs each at any one time.  My main tools machine has Office 2010 (OneNote and Lync being my favourite apps), Visual Studio 2008 and 2010, Platform SDKs, DDK, Debugging Tools for Windows, our internal CRM tools, and a loads more.

How are you assisting customers?

Around half of my time is reactive – working on support incidents raised by external customers.  The other half of my time is dedicated to building out our internal and external diagnostics capabilities: tools for data collection, automation of problem identification etc.  The third half of my time is spent mentoring junior engineers and working on business improvement projects.

Are you actively participating in the App-V Community – directly or indirect?

Unfortunately not as much as I would like.  With my work time already over-committed and having four beautiful and active children, I can never find time to maintain a blog, or regularly contribute to other blogs or newsgroups.  However, after resolving a reactive incident I will often promote the solution to a knowledge base (KB) article.  We do track how often our articles are viewed by the public, so I know that my contributions are making a difference (aggregated to >5000 views in the past year).

Since this interview came about after investigating OLE-calls and / or COM-objects – lets transition into that…


You assisted in investigating issues – where Excel and other locally installed applications were called from a virtual application, but not started within the virtual environment. Usually the parent process of those applications (excel as an example) was SVCHOST.exe

Can you tell us more about why SVCHOST.EXE starts Excel.exe among several other programs?

First some background: Excel is an OLE server.  OLE is an old technology that allowed you to embed content from different applications into a single document stream – for example if you embed an Excel spreadsheet into a Word document, you could double click the object to start editing the spreadsheet using Excel menus and functions, but whilst still in the Word window.  OLE evolved into COM, which defines a standard way of interfacing with objects.  Excel is a COM server, and Word (or any other application) can use COM to create Excel objects and control them, including what OLE originally enabled.  COM allows objects to support multiple interfaces, and many objects support the IDispatch interface, which allows them to be controlled via scripts e.g. vbscript.

COM also defined ways for objects to be created – either within the host process, or in a separate process.  In the early days of Office, it was possible for an embedded spreadsheet to be served (drawn, updated) by an Excel DLL loaded into the Word process.  Nowadays Office is too big and complex for that, and Excel objects are served by an external instance of Excel.exe.  This is called an ‘Out-of-process’ COM object, and the COM server process (Excel.exe) will be usually be launched by the DcomLaunch service, running in an svchost.exe process.

As we know, svchost.exe is not running within the APP-V virtual environment and this can therefore present problems for virtualized applications that use out-of-process COM.  APP-V examines all CoCreateInstance calls inside the virtualized processes, and will launch out-of-process server processes inside the virtual environment in most cases.  Recently we had a case where APP-V was fooled by SAP asking for an in-process Excel object, and mistakenly allowed Windows to handle the activation because the target object (Excel) had a legacy “InProcServer32” and “InProcHandler32” registry entry (i.e. it incorrectly appears to support in-process activation).  In this case Excel was launched by svchost.exe outside the virtual environment.  There are two potential solutions for this problem – change SAP to request an out-of-process Excel object, or delete the “InProcServer32” and “InProchandler32” registry value for Excel.

There often many questions regarding “the wrong” software starting when using a combination of virtual and locally installed applications – one scenario described by the App-V Team blog (1)

How can one avoid such issues – what can one do to resolve those if they show themselves?

I don’t believe there is a blanket rule, or general advice for this.  I expect that even armed with the knowledge from my earlier statement there will still be borderline scenarios that will require a live debug to resolve.  That being said, the tool that we almost always start off with when troubleshooting problems of this nature is Process Monitor (procmon) from SysInternals (now Microsoft).  The standard advice is to get traces from working (i.e. non-virtualised) and failing examples, and compare the two.  I usually start analysis by right clicking on process names in both traces that I am definitely not interested in, and then selecting ‘exclude’ in the dropdown menu – usually by process name but in some cases by process ID (we wouldn’t want to take out all svchost.exe’s for example, if we were troubleshooting an issue like the ‘wrong parent’ problem).

Is this the reason why the previous recommendation was that any virtualized program should not be installed natively?

I think you mean any application that will be need to be accessed by a virtualized application should also be virtualized…

APP-V does try its best to “marshal” interaction between locally installed and virtualized applications, however in some cases there are just too many brittle touch points, or different ways to exercise the Windows APIs to achieve the same result, that APP-V hasn’t catered for.

What does a registry key under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID represent (or HKLM\Software\Classes)?

COM objects are identified by GUIDs and friendly names e.g. {00030000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} is also Excel.Worksheet.  The CLSID subkey of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT is where every COM object is defined, listed by its GUID.  Here will be detailed whether the COM object supports in-process and/or out-of-process activation, and what executables encapsulate the object’s functionality.   If an object has a friendly name, it will also have an entry (using that name) in the base of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, where we map to its GUID.  The base of HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT also contains file association information used by the Windows shell.

Why does removing InprocHandler32 and InprocServer32 let us avoid having SVCHOST.exe starting a locally installed application outside of the virtual environment?

This should be answered earlier.

What tools did you use while troubleshooting?

Mostly WinDBG (Windows Debugger) and our source code explorer, but also Netmon, Perfmon, many SysInternals tools (Process Monitor being an important one).  I also use tools I have written myself, e.g. to gather and decode software traces (ETW)

How many applications have you sequenced?

Only around 20, and usually following customer recipes in order to reproduce problems that I can then debug or troubleshoot further.

Any special thanks you wish to send-out?

I work with really smart and motivated people at Microsoft; far too many to call out individually.  Often I also work with customers that deserve special mention, in that they partner well with us to find solutions to really tricky problems (e.g. willing to capture endless traces, enable remote debugging etc).

What improvements do you wish to see in App-V?

I believe that error handling and reporting could be improved to help customers resolve problems without coming back to Microsoft.  I would also love to see a Process Monitor Comparison tool, that would know what sort of differences to look for during sequencing, native execution and virtualised execution.  In fact I started writing such a tool, but it is currenlty somewhere in the middle of a huge ’to-do when I get time’ pile.


With that – we thank Sasha for the time taken to answer this and hope that it can provide insight for everyone using App-V!



Adobe Photoshop Elements 10–sequence


Read the very well written article regarding Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 that deals with traditional deployment– as it covers what is left out of both the official Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 / 10 (their headline says its only v 9 – but the applicable version-tag says both versions) article from Adobe and the notes. Basic preparation for any type of deployment should include the following as a good starting point;

1. Prepare an application.xml.override file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Data key="EULADelay">0</Data>
<Data key="EULA">Suppress</Data>
<Data key="Registration">Suppress</Data>
<Data key="Updates">Suppress</Data>

Should be placed in the same folder (two copies in the end) as Adobe Photoshop Elements 10.msi and Elements 10 Organizer.msi

2. Prepare setup.ini by altering the OEM-section to the below notes;


3. Install Visual C++ 2008 SP1 x86
That means you should install specifically that version. Available at Microsoft. Not any other version. Not a newer patch. Not a newer hotfix. But that specific version. Both at the sequencer and target client. That specific version is not included with the App-V Sequencer and App-V client.
The Programs and Features looks like this on a machine that works. The first one (.17) is the exact version that you need.



Begin the sequencing according to your naming standards and proceed with installing Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 during the monitoring phase. I do believe that there is no difference in performing a VFS v a mount point installation, but so far only a mount point installation has been tested.


Do not start Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 at any given point.

Save your package


When deploying this to the client you need the above mentioned version of Visual C++ installed natively to deploy it. See a list of all Visual C++ versions that are currently installed on the test-system see below;


CMCMarkets and horrible Java

Fellow MVP Jurjen van Leeuwen dropped me an application that hadn’t been so successful in sequencing – based on a specific version of java ( I think) that is installed along with the application itself.

The end-result of a sequence, after implementing the runasinvoker-fix to avoid issues with UAC, is the following;


Not that fun – and doesn’t tell me a whole lot.

The installed folder containing the application (one level up only contains the jre160 folder and the installer.log) looks like this;

Q:\MM5 Norway\MM5>dir
Volume in drive Q is App Virt
Volume Serial Number is 1010-1010
Directory of Q:\MM5 Norway\MM5
2011-10-26  10:11    <DIR>          .
2011-10-26  10:13    <DIR>          ..
2011-10-26  10:11    <DIR>          logs
2011-10-26  14:17             1 558 lasterror.ser
2011-10-26  14:12                23 nfo.ver
2011-10-26  10:03    <DIR>          resources
2009-06-24  16:48            59 576 iiDownloader.exe
2009-06-24  16:21           348 160 msvcr71.dll
2011-10-26  10:06           575 216 iiLauncher.exe
2011-10-26  10:06                14 iiLauncher.ver
2011-10-26  10:06                14 iiAppStart.ver
2011-10-26  10:06         1 328 938 iiAppStart.exe
2011-10-26  10:11           309 435 file.db
2011-10-26  10:11        11 769 946 cfile.db
2009-06-24  16:21                16 jre.dat
2009-06-24  16:49                16 freshInstall.dat
12 File(s)     14 392 912 bytes
4 Dir(s)   7 321 260 032 bytes free
Q:\MM5 Norway\MM5>

As you can imagine – logs contain specific log-files and lasterror.ser contains the lasterror.

Reviewing what activity happens during the initial execution using the Count Value Occurrencesfrom Process Monitor we can have an overview of what is happening;


There seems to be several process running during the startup and if we take into account that iiLauncher.exe has the most occurrences we can assume that this one fails. Using Process Monitor to identify when it would attempt to write to lasterror.ser could be an indication of when the application fails and if iiLauncher.exe is the executable that is writing to the lasterror.ser.


The above screenshot shows the first time the lasterror.ser is accessed by a process directly and reviewing the activity around it reveals no direct failure. The file rt.jar is accessed heavily by iiLauncher.exe and an attempt to access a .log.lck file (probably a lock attempt on a log-file) is successful. Lets review lasterror.ser and see if we can determine what of the above activity is relevant.

Lasterror, after our failed start, looks like this;


¬í sr (frontend.shutdown.error.ApplicationErrorXGõ®Ô*
m_creationTimet Ljava/util/Date;L   m_messaget Ljava/lang/String;L m_optionalThrowablet Ljava/lang/Throwable;[
m_stackTracet ‑[Ljava/lang/StackTraceElement;xpsr
xpw  3?NÀ6xt Failed to start .java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockExceptionkJJ5ñ^[1]  xr ­java.lang.IllegalStateExceptionæWUæšFòH[1]  xr java.lang.RuntimeExceptionž_G
4ƒå[1]  xr java.lang.ExceptionÐý­>;Ä[1]  xr java.lang.ThrowableÕÆ5'9w¸Ë
L causeq ~
detailMessageq ~ [1][
stackTraceq ~
xpq ~
pur ‑[Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;[1]F*<<ý"9[1]  xp
sr java.lang.StackTraceElementa           Åš&6Ý…[1]
declaringClassq ~ [1]L fileNameq ~ [1]L

methodNameq ~ [1]xpÿÿÿÿt$SharedFileLockTablept                                  checkListsq ~ ÿÿÿÿq ~ pt
addsq ~ ÿÿÿÿt tryLocksq ~ ÿÿÿÿt java.nio.channels.FileChannelpq ~ sq ~ ÿÿÿÿt java.util.logging.FileHandlerpt                                             openFilessq ~ ÿÿÿÿq ~ pt <init>sq ~    ¢t .frontend.remote.logging.DownloadLoggingDefaultt DownloadLoggingDefault.javat setUpDefaultLoggersq ~   !t 2frontend.remote.logging.DownloadLoggingInitialisert ­DownloadLoggingInitialiser.javat createDefaultJavaLoggersq ~    ¹q ~ &q ~ 't resetLoggingConfigurationsq ~    wq ~ &q ~ 't

initialisesq ~   |t (frontend.remote.launcher.UpgradeLaunchert UpgradeLauncher.javaq ~ ,sq ~   !q ~ .q ~ /t
runsq ~   œq ~ .q ~ /t
mainxuq ~
sq ~   Aq ~ .q ~ /t handleThrowablesq ~   ;q ~ .q ~ /q ~ 1sq ~   œq ~ .q ~ /q ~ 3w              2x

The error probably relates to an attempted file lock in the nio-module. Considering the activity we reviewed above – it could be the previously mentioned .lck.log-file that is having a problem.

A similar error has been posted here – which I believe Jurjen also addressed.
one also travels the same path;

Now, Jurjen made a very good comment within the first thread – there seems to be a problem when locking files within the virtual environment. After reviewing a couple of procmon-traces – the only locations that was attempted to write to was %TEMP% and the q:\mm5 norway\mm5\logs (where the .log.lck file was located).

Also – the procmon trace told me that there were two files that were running; iiDownloader.exe, iiLauncher.exe. However, in the installation folder there were three executables named iiXXXX.exe (iiAppstart.exe was the last one). Potentially all of these could have a problem, but so far iiDownloader.exe has not revealed any problems and iiLauncher.exe potentially has problems.

imageUsing ACT (Application Comapbility Toolkit) a shim was produced to redirect all file-writes for \logs to %LOCALAPPDATA% for the process iiLauncher.exe. Read more about the process of using the specific shim CorrectFilePaths from Vijay. He does an excellent job explaining the entire process. Chris Jackson has one remark (afterall – he is the Appcompat-guy) that the folder we are redirecting to needs to exist. Remko Weijnen did quite a few write-ups which explains several scenarios that this can be used for. Even vendors recommends using shims!
Shims are very easily installed from ACT and can also be installed using a command-line tool– which makes the testing task very easy. Once installed – the shim is effective immediately and thus our next startup should show if the shim has made a difference.


Suddenly the initial error message has disappeared and instead we have a very brief glimpse of the above screen. Something has changed and perhaps we have removed a first obstacle.


Using Cross Reference Summary we reveal that a new process has shown up – iiAppstart.exe. Using File Summary with aggressive filtering (only include iiAppstart.exe) we can see that it also has a similar behavior of accessing .lck files.


Therefore we create a new shim which implements the same fix for iiAppstart.exe as we previously created for iiLauncher.exe and save it into the same database (.sdb)-file usint ACT.

Once the shim is installed the following shows up (which would count as a success, right?);


Using Process Monitor in this case revealed no direct failures – ACCESS DENIED and FILE NOT FOUND were not relevant. By tracking what application was ran, what files were read and what files were written to we could determine potential root causes and implement probable solutions very quickly.

Informal App-V errors

Just had this laying around in some notes. Not really structured…

The error indicates a networking problem in general and the currently available even documents a timeout to be a possible error.
Common causes are;
HREF path contains spaces
?Customer in the OSD is missing key character (such as ? or =)
Network traffic is to slow or improperly handled
-This may be due to a user beeing member of to many groups – can be extended
-Network traffic is filtered
In a VPN scenario the RTSP traffic may be inspected and some packets may be dropped
Disable the RTSP inspection to resolve the error

error occurs because the application and version referenced is not available in the Application Virtualization cache
This may especially occur when using alternative ways to access applications – such as publishing the command-line via Xenapp or creating custom shortcuts

Error 25001.Microsoft Application Virtualization Client for Remote Desktop Services required Remote Desktop Services is installed on the system.
Your client has not the Terminal Server och Remote Desktop Services feature installed.
Either add those on your OS or download the workstation-client via the Microsoft Desktop Optimization pack

Essentially two problems usually occur when this error happens – depending on the situation;
Page Pool memory is depleted – a quick fix may be to reboot, but if that is required to be performed to frequently some optimizations can be done to prevent it.
If it happens on a newly sequenced application there probably was an issue with the sequence created – most common solution is to resequence

Error may occur on single-core Citrix-servers due to CTX CPU Utilization Management. See below link for suggested implemented solutions – most commonly excluding effected processes

Error relates to the fact that the app-v service can not see the source referenced when importing a package.
Most common example beeing when executing an MSI located on a mapped drive (mapped drives are only available in user context, app-v client service runs in another user context -system)

Failure to send reporting data from the client – this especially happens in a TS / RDS environment. Often the problem is due to the fact that the server only can receive a maximum size and the reporting data sent greatly exceeds that one.
I believe the maximum receiving size is around 60k – and I have personally seen about 800k log-files in a small TS-environment.

Error 25028.  The Application Virtualization Client servivce could not be configured
Uninstall old client, reboot and try again. If that fails try to perform a clean-up or simply rebuild the system.
Not really sure exactly what could cause this but it often has relations to failed attempts to install a client

The Application Virtualisation Client could not retrieve data from the server. Application has been paused. If necessary you can have 2 minutes to save any work before it is shutdown
Verify server connectivity.
To prevent this error ensure that applications are fully cached

Error message indicates that you cannot be authenticated – could mean that you are not in a trusted domain or simply have a workgroup computer.
If this happens when first installing there could be a potential issue with authentication. Try reverifying your steps

The error has several possible root causes but two stands out;
MS XML was not installed prior to installing App-v management server (no error is given during installation) or the app-v server does not have read permissions for the .SFT file it tries to stream


Indicates a general networking problem, where traffic is not passed through. Most commonly specific executable files should be allowed to pass through the firewall

Either the app-v server service is not started or you are trying to connect on the wrong port

Attempting Transport Connection


Verify that the reference to OSD / Icon is correct. Since its very common to specify server-path in an environment variable its good to really verify that the SYSTEM variable is set.

See above blog-post, most commonly happens when using encryption

Error relates to the failure to start app-v client. A conflict probably exists with another filter-driver on your system

This error occurs because the server thinks it has one version (60f02e36-25a4-4a27-a1a0-7a325063280e) and the client believes it has another version (00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000)
Clear the cache to resolve the error.

Corrupted PKG-files are not very common, but when they happen it has mostly occured due to antivirus. See below KB-article for possible optimizations


According to a poster in the above thread the error code would say that there is not space available on the client and it can’t locate the file.
Verify disk-space available on drives where client, global data directory or user profile / data is placed?

Install App-v 4.5 CU1 + HFP6 or App-v 4.5 SP1 + HFP1 to resolve this error

0A-0000E028 – Network Transport Agent
Discussed in a forum thread;
Improper closure of settings file
The settings file is probably corrupted due to the last process is shutdown to early – change the above setting and verify if an orphaned process is left behind

Disable any RTSP filtering on your ISA-firewall

Verify that the app-v drive on the client-side (Q: per default) is not scanned by the antivirus
See recommendations for TS-environments;


Error means “file not found” Possible causes could be a move of the users-profile. 2C could indicate that the file in the package ? Verify antivirus settings to exclude any corruption of PKG / Global data directory

Failed unregistering callback tracking connected process termination (error: 997).



Error seems to relate to background streaming and to have failed for some reason. Harmless error if user can start application

Error indicates that the folder used in the WORKINGDIRECTORY tag does not exist. If it references a mapped drive (as an example), the mapped drive may not exist
When sequencing with TS / RDS thas seems to happen in packages that contain everything needed.
One quick-solution is simply to empty the working directory-tag within the OSD-file


Starved page pool memory. Verify that you have a reboot cycle and start memory optimize if using a 32-bit environment

Applications are cached and you are either running without a connection to a mgt-server or trying to run in stand-alone mode. Disable to require authorization if cached

The file referenced to start the application is not. By defining a proper working-directory this can be resolved


Error occurs because the user is required to authorize against the app-v server everytime it starts the application, and the server is probably unreachable at the time beeing.
There is a registry-key available to change this behavior, aswell as a MSI property when installing the client

This error usually relates to the profile / application data or global data directory beeing inaccesible. Only repeatable when the server has connection-problems

Failed to dispatch to core process error
Error occurs at server-side and can generate various types of errors client-side.
Essentially this often occurs on servers installed to an existing database (such as all servers not first creating the DB in a load balanced environment or prepopulating the database).
Verify all tables in the database that contains server information that values are consistent with the first installed server.
A patch has been released – but not verified.


2c – Relates to inside the package? Corrupted Q:?


14-00000003 – Not enough storage?

Visio 2003 and embedded objects in non-virtualized Word

I sequenced Visio 2003 a while ago and nothing to it really.
Followed the MS / Softricity recipe from:
However, I did start to get user reports that it wouldn’t integrate with Word (Office basic is installed locally on our clients).
Solving the problem with copy-n-paste from Word to Visio and vice versa was pretty easy, simple google and find this:

However, the users wanted more and the integration with word had to be complete.
Since I thought it would simply take registry keys I d/l SFT-Explorer and started looking through the package and use regmon to see what happend when Word tried to reach Visio.
After a few days of mapping, I had found two registry entries that I thought would do the trick. Of course it didn’t work and I kept extracting more and more.
Finally I had four .reg-files I had edited and still no solution. However, SFT-explorer only extracted the Default value as an @ value and when inserted into the locally registry – the default key had no value (but the @ did).
Correcting this mistake made it all work like a charm.
So here they come, my registry keys:
Remember though, you have to correct to your package name and SG-client path.
You should be able to change the corresponding places my settings when I tell you this:
C:\\Program Files\\Softricity\\SoftGrid for Windows Desktops\\sfttray.exe \”Microsoft Office Visio 2003 11.0b\”

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"@"="Microsoft Visio 2000/2002 Drawing"
@="Microsoft Visio 2000/2002 Drawing"
@="C:\\Program Files\\Softricity\\SoftGrid for Windows Desktops\\sfttray.exe \"Microsoft Office Visio 2003 11.0b\""
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"@"="Microsoft Visio Drawing"
"@"="Microsoft Visio Drawing"
"@"="VISIO Figures,VISIO Shapes,VISIO 4.0 Shapes,VISIO 5.0 Shapes,VISIO 6.0 Shapes"
"@"="Visio 11.0 Shapes"
"@"="Visio 11.0 Shapes"
"@"="Embed Source,1,8,1"
"@"="VISIO Figures,1,1,1"
"@"="VISIO Shapes,1,1,1"
"@"="VISIO 4.0 Shapes,1,1,1"
"@"="VISIO 5.0 Shapes,1,1,1"
"@"="VISIO 6.0 Shapes,1,1,1"
"@"="Visio 11.0 Shapes,1,1,1"
"@"="Visio 11.0 Shapes"
"@"=".vsd, Visio Drawing (*.vsd)"
@="C:\\Program Files\\Softricity\\SoftGrid for Windows Desktops\\sfttray.exe \"Microsoft Office Visio 2003 11.0b\""
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
@="Microsoft Visio Drawing"
"@"="Microsoft Visio Drawing"
@="C:\\Documents and Settings\\senicka\\Application Data\\SoftGrid Client\\Icon Cache\\f334df3b-76c7-4a67-8ae6-a09864a61d65.ico"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Visio.Drawing.11\HTML Handler]
@="C:\\Program Files\\Softricity\\SoftGrid for Windows Desktops\\sfttray.exe \"Microsoft Office Visio 2003 11.0b\""
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Visio.Drawing.11\HTML Handler\shell]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Visio.Drawing.11\HTML Handler\shell\edit]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Visio.Drawing.11\HTML Handler\shell\edit\command]
"SoftGridAppName"="Microsoft Office Visio 2003"
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Softricity\\SoftGrid for Windows Desktops\\sfttray.exe\" /launch \"Microsoft Office Visio 2003 11.0b\" \"%1\""
"SoftGridAppName"="Microsoft Office Visio 2003"
"SoftGridAppParams"="/p \"%1\""
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Softricity\\SoftGrid for Windows Desktops\\sfttray.exe\" /launch \"Microsoft Office Visio 2003 11.0b\" /p \"%1\""
@="Print &To"
"@"="Print &To"
"SoftGridAppName"="Microsoft Office Visio 2003"
"SoftGridAppParams"="/pt \"%1\",\"%2\",\"%3\",\"%4\""
@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Softricity\\SoftGrid for Windows Desktops\\sfttray.exe\" /launch \"Microsoft Office Visio 2003 11.0b\" /pt \"%1\",\"%2\",\"%3\",\"%4\""
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"@"="Microsoft Visio 2000/2002 Drawing"
@="C:\\Program Files\\Softricity\\SoftGrid for Windows Desktops\\sfttray.exe \"Microsoft Office Visio 2003 11.0b\""

Autodesk DWG Trueview 2010

Well, basically there has been an alternative recipe for replacing the Autodesk DWG Trueview application. This recipe have been using freely available components available from Autodesk and is fully functional.
Now, DWG Trueview 2010 was released (and I believe Autodesk is updating all their softwares) I wanted to perform this one with a successfull sequencing.

Old discussions can be found here;

And here comes the recipe;


App-V Sequencer 4.5 RTM
Todo before you sequence, install the following;
Visual C++ 2008 SP1
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 + Family update
MS XML 6.0
(available via the installation image Autodesk\DWGTrueViewx86InstallImage\support\DirectX)
nlsdl.x86 (Autodesk\DWGTrueViewx86InstallImage\support\NLSDL)
From options, remove these exclusions;
%USERSPROFILE%\local settings, %USERSPROFILE%\local settings\appdata
Recommend resolution is 1024×768
Then begin the sequencing;
Deselect desktop shortcut
Redirect installation to asset dir
Review help file
I didn’t start the program, and removed anything that didn’t have a file-association tied to it when the sequencing was finished

Following OSDs should be created;
Autocad component (renamed from Autocad component (1), the “original” one i removed)
Autocad DWG Launcher
DWG Trueview
Autodesk hardcopy componenent
During application launching I started them all, however most of them had to be terminated….
Target machine is a WinXP SP2 with a 4.5 RTM client and all the above prereqs (of course…)

Sequencing recipe: Navisworks Freedom 2010

Well, continueing with the Autodesk viewer suite, here comes how I sequenced Navisworks Freedom 2010
App-v 4.5 RTM Sequencer
Prereqs: (needs to be on sequencer aswell as client..)
nlsdl.x86(Autodesk\Navisworks Freedom 2010\x86\support\NLSDL\nlsdl.x86)
Visual C++ 2008 SP1
MS XML 6.0
.NET Framework 2.0 Language Pack – same as OS regional-setting
While sequencing…
Choose configure
leave the first two locations empty.
Redirect installation to asset dir
Implement the following registry keys

ECHO Disable anonymous statistics
reg add "HKCU\Software\Autodesk\MC3" /v "NotificationRemindOn" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f
reg add "HKCU\Software\Autodesk\MC3" /v "NotificationRemindOnBeta" /t REG_DWORD /d "1" /f
Echo Disable Help on first-startup
reg add "HKCU\Software\Autodesk\Navisworks Freedom\7.0\GlobalOptions\interface\first_run" /v "show_help" /t REG_SZ /d "3 0" /f

Now, during sequencing Freedom always crashed. No matter what I did, it always crashed if I tried to start it. Thats why I had to locate the above registry keys and set the manually.
It crashes during application launching, but that doesn’t effect anything.
I just published the freedom-shurtcut on the start-menu, anything else I threw out.
Uncheck the “Enforce security descriptors” post-sequencing.

Sequencing tips: Java performance

imageFirst issue that many come-along is the java-performance while operating in a virtual-environment within APP-V.
To resolve it:
While sequencing, goto the Java-applet in Control Panel
Open it and find the setting for the temporary working directory
(should be one of the buttons in the first tab)
Redirect it to a common-path in the asset directory (eg, q:\java.001\jtemp)
