Task Sequence and shutdown (not reboot) a computer and continue

For some reason there is a requirement to do a computer shutdown (not restart) while running a task sequence, and once the computer starts again there is a need to continue running the task sequence where we left it.

How do you go about that? Let’st start…


We need two scripts, a task sequence with the ability to run one script and then to start a task sequence controlled restart.

For testing purposes a networkshare was used instead of leveraging a package, but in real-life and in production – all of the files can be placed in a package and executed from there.
This concept is tested within WinPE (using Winpeutil etc…), but you can most likely adapt it to a Windows installation.

Run Monitor

The ‘Run Monitor’ step will kick off a VB-Script that will start a powershell script – and then exit. Simple enough to start a script, and then allow the task sequence to continue with the next steps


Runapp "powershell.exe","-noprofile -executionpolicy bypass -file " & GetScriptPatH() & "shutdown.ps1"

Private Function RunApp(AppPath,Switches)
Dim WShell
Dim RunString
Dim RetVal
Dim Success

On Error Resume Next

Set WShell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

RunString=Chr(34) &AppPath & Chr(34) & " " & Switches


Set WShell=Nothing
End Function

Private Function GetScriptPath
End Function

The powershell-script (shutdown.ps1) looks as follows;

  1. Create a TS Environment (so we can read variables)
  2. Verify if the variable _SMSTSBootStagePath is set
  3. If the drive-part is longer than a single-letter – we know that the boot-image is prepared and that the reboot countdown has started.
$end =$true
write-output "start"

start-sleep 2
#Remove-Variable -name tsenv -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if (!$tsenv) {
try  {
$tsenv = New-Object -COMObject Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment
catch {
write-output "No TS started yet"
try  {
$bootpath = $tsenv.Value("_SMSTSBootStagePath") -split ":"
if ($bootpath[0].length -gt 1) {
write-output "SMSTSBootStagePath prepped for reboot"
$end = $false
catch {
write-output "variable not set"

} While ($end -eq $true)

start-sleep 5

wpeutil shutdown


The restart step is fairly generic and you can configure it as you need. A thing to note is that the time-out needs to be higher than the start-sleep within the Powershell-script. As the purpose is to continue within WinPE – the step is configured to start to the boot-image.


ConfigMgr and “Who updated All Systems–again”?

As this questions shows up at all places for the same reason; Someone pressed the “Updated Membership” on a collection way up in hierarchy of collections. A simple right-click and press – and then accept.


The action is simple, however if the collection is ‘far up’ in the hierarchy and have all (or many) collections indirectly connected to it also start to update – an unforgiven workload. Delays, frustration and mayhem will ensue (perhaps a bit over the top here..)

If you are a type of organisation that blames people – well, here you go!


Choose to create a new Status Message Query and use the following query to filter the search based on time and only look for specific the refresh action of collections


select stat.*, ins.*, att1.*, stat.Time 
from SMS_StatusMessage as stat 
left join SMS_StatMsgInsStrings as ins on stat.RecordID = ins.RecordID 
left join SMS_StatMsgAttributes as att1 on stat.RecordID = att1.RecordID 
where stat.MessageType = 768 and 
stat.MessageID = 30104 and 
stat.Time >= ##PRM:SMS_StatusMessage.Time## 
order by stat.Time desc


End result – with the user account and collection to blame;


ConfigMgr, SQL Availability Groups and upgrades

If leveraging the new great features from SQL Server the last years – certainly the Availability Group have been a tempting way to increase availability for ConfigMgr (despite the fact that everyone prefers the local SQL Server running on the Primary Site server).  Now, as ConfigMgr TechPreview 1706 announced Site Server Role High Availability – separating the site server and the SQL database might be a new preferred method going forward in the future.

Microsoft provided a great step-by-step (2016-05-14) approach on all the steps required to migrate an existing database to a SQL Server Availability Group. As part of this a few specific SQL configurations are stated as a way to ensure an operational database;

We need to Set Trustworthy and enable CLR Integration. Run this against Primary Replica (You can confirm from the AlwaysOn dashboard)

Reviewing the official documentation (2017-05-26) there are however a few additional configurations detailed;

  • CLR Integration must be enabled
  • Max text repl size must be 2147483647
  • The database owner must be the SA account
  • TRUSTWORTY must be ON
  • Service Broker must be enabled

As a great benefit to that article there is a check for all the configuration options that clearly states wether they are correct or not. All of the above, but one, are very much a requirement for basic functionality. The Max text repl size was not stated in the step-by-step guide and is not a requirement for a functional database for normal operations, however during an upgrade it will be immediately detected as a deviation. What does ConfigMgr do with deviations? Well, it tries to fix it of course (don’t mention inbox backlogs or… or…).

An upgrade with settings configured according to the above requirements


An upgrade where on setting deviates from the requirements and the SQL database is part of an availability group;


The operation cannot be performed on database [CM_P01] because it is invovled in a database mirroring…
Gives the response: Failed to set database [CM_P01] to SINGLE_USER mode

As ConfigMgr tries to fix the deviation it also tries to set the ConfigMgr database in SINGLE_USER mode, unfortunately that is not possible as long as the database is part of the Availability Group and mirrored. Only way is to configure according to the Microsoft recommend settings outside of ConfigMgr and then retry the upgrade.

PXE and notes to self

The joy of supporting PXE-boot in a number of different environments have created a mental note-to-selflist when operating PXE with Configuration Manager. These are my notes, and if they can be of use to anyone else – thats great.


PXE-boot and its dependencies on operational and a managable network is key and therefore a basic understanding is vital. Coretech has published a great overview explaining PXE and its relationship with DHCP.

Basic setup

Some minor tweaks to get started are of course required even for the not-so-complex environment and 4SysOps has a great guide that details the generic troubleshooting steps on basic configuration.

In essence:

  • An operational Configuration Manager environment is key
      • A Distribution Point for the Configuration Manager site that is setup to handle PXE
      • A possibility to handle the broadcast requests when pressing F12 on the client

The last part (handle broadcast requests) is normally something that is managed by a network operations-team. There are of course (why should there be one?) many different ways to configure this and normally the discussion stands between DHCP Options (not supported by Microsoft) or IP-helpers. TechThoughts has an overview with detailed pros and cons, however clearly states that IP-helpers is the way to go forward.


Once you get everything setup – here comes a list in order of likely hood to cause you issues.

What does a client see when pressing F12?

Well, you see on the screen that you pressed F12 and potentially some sort of diagnostic information is presented to you. Is this information useful? Complete? Of debugging-quality?

Most likely not! There are two tools available – one from Citrix (PXEChecker) and one from 2pint (powershell) – which provides great insight into what shows up at your client.

Test TFTP download

Wondering if you have a responsive PXE-server? Follow the previous guide howto test the download of a file


As PXE and its reliance on just ip-addresses is heavy – the first question that comes to mind is why DNS is a thing? Well, legacy servers (still supported for the role of Distribution Point) that run Windows Server 2008 R2 may exhaust the available ports if DNS and PXE-role is hosted on the same system.

Resolve the issue by configuring Windows Deployment Services to  dynamically request and allocate ports that are available.

DWORD: UDPPortPolicy
Value: 0


If the Distribution Point (with PXE enabled) and the DHCP-server is configured on the same server a few technical configurations are required. Normally these are set up properly, however it can always be a good thing to double-check.

Configure WDS to not use the same ports as DHCP
Value: 0

Configure the DHCP-server to set option 60. Option 60 is intended for the client to know that in addition to the server providing an answer to the request for IP-address, a PXE-server also operates on the same server.

WDSUTIL /Set-Server /UseDHCPPorts:No /DHCPOption60:Yes

It’s slow

ConfigMgr has gradually provided improved ways to make PXE-boot go faster. CCMExec wrote article on howto tweak the configuration for boot-times (RamDiskTFTPBlocksize and RamDiskTFTPWindowSize). The sweetspot seems to be at 16384 / 8

DWORD: RamDiskTFTPWindowSize
Value: 8
DWORD: RamDiskTFTPBlockSize
Value: 16384 (1456 allows for higher compatibility)

It starts to download but freezes (0xC0000001)

If the error is prevalent and not related to a specific device or model – most likely this relates to issues with something between the server and the client not beeing able to handle the default size of 1456 in block size. Windows Server 2003 was set to use a block size of 512, and since Windows Server 2008 this was bumped to 1456. If this fails – set it to 512 and verify compatibility. Previously the possibility was tested with 1432 and some success has been confirmed.

DWORD: MaximumBlockSize:
Value: 512 (or 1432)

ConfigMgr SDF-files

A twitter discussion revisited a previous thought that were investigated, but never bothered to really dig into it. As ConfigMgr 2012 introduced applications the payload that were required by the client became more complex. The use of SDF-files triggered some additional challenges as there seems to be certain hard-limits coded into how the ConfigMgr client is connecting to these quite simple SQL databases that are used in the background

Review the CCM-installation folder and the following files can be spotted;


These files are databases that store certain parts of information required for the operation of the client. The limit invoked seems to be defaulted to 128mb, however any developer can specify a limit of how large these files can grow.

To view these files a small tool named Compact View is required, aswell as the prerequisite SQL Server Compact 4.0 required to connect to the actual databases.

Opening the database is as simple as opening the file;


Opening the file directly from \CCM requires CompactView to run elevated, however a copy can always be made to a different location.

CCMStore.sdf seems to be specifically only contain information regarding Application Items and everything that belongs to them.

Well, what did the twitter thread discuss? It seems that if CCMStore.sdf hits 25mb the client stops. A quick workaround is to delete the file. As the ConfigMgr-client has halted most likely a different trigger is required to remediate this error (such as Group Policy, scheduled task etc etc).



Great twitter-thread, huh?

ConfigMgr–User collection and direct membership for Security Group

Roger Zander wrote a brilliant article on Collections in Configuration Manager and some knowledge that aids in designing collection structure to reduce the workload of the ConfigMgr hierarchy.

One thing that I remember evaluating a few years back was to leverage direct memberships to a Active Directory Security Groups to reduce the total evaluation time for collections. After a brief discussion I noted that there wasn’t any guide on howto create this manually (found a scripted method on SCUG.BE) for User Collections.


As a prerequisite the AD Security Group has to be discovered resource. You can review the collection members of “All Users and User Groups” and see what groups are discovered – if what you are looking for isn’t there most likely you are required to tweak the AD Discovery methods you are using.

Create the collection

Once the resource is located you can choose to create a new collection and set the limiting collection to “All Users and User Groups”.


All updates (full and incremental) can be removed to avoid any type of load. Choose to add a Direct Rule.


Change the default search for Resource class and Attribute name to User Group Resource and User Group Name. Enter the value you want and search all the resources you want to select.


Once the collection is created only a single resource is a member:


Ups and downs

The alternative that is mostly used when searching the web is to create a query rule that requires that collection to be updated (either a full schedule, incremental or an external trigger). Whats the difference between these methods?

Query rule

A query requires that AD Discovery has updated the group memberships in the database (full or incremental – both will suffice) and once that is completed the collection has to be updated. Quite common (based on all the blog-articles) is to set an Incremental update for all collections that require a fast update. The limit for this is (according to ConfigMgr 2012 documentation) roughly 200 collections depending and inaddition the queue will increase with updates.

Before the collection reflects the AD Security Group change there has passed a few minutes and once all the bells and whistles are done – the deployment is available for the user.

Direct Rule

A direct rule will not require that the collection is updated at all, however if the AD Security Group is recreated it is required to update the collection with a new direct rule (as the resource will have a new ID).

The user will not receive any deployments until their kerberos ticket has the AD Security Group membership update reflected. Most commonly this only happens during a lock / unlock or logoff / logon.

ConfigMgr site restore and WSUS Catalog version

After you restore a ConfigMgr Primary Site Server there are some losses of information that gets annoying.

Sample; WSUS Catalog version is stored in the registry and the ConfigMgr database. It seems that the registry alone is enough to reset the used WSUS Catalog version, however Registry alone is not enough to restore the catalog version with ConfigMgr 1606.

Roger Zander described the behaviour and gave the right path, however some additional steps were required for ConfigMgr 1606.

Step 1. Identify the necessary catalog version that is required (see Roger Zanders previous description)

Step 2. Update the registry (see Roger Zanders previous description)

Step 3. Update the database. Locate the table dbo.Update_SyncStatus within the ConfigMgr database. Choose Edit Top 200 rows (and there – you are now unsupported by Microsoft).


Update the ContentVersion to match your Catalog Version


Step 4. Trigger a new “Synchronize Software Updates”

Copy a ConfigMgr Application DeploymentType

A small function inspired by Fred Bainbridges post on howto append an OS requirement to a deployment type. The purpose of the function is to copy the Deploymenttype within an application, but if someone feels like a spending a few hours to rewrite it to copy between different applications that could possible work aswell.


function Copy-CMAppDT {
Copy a single Deployment Type within an application
This will create a copy of a DeploymentType, with the lowest priority and the name specified
Copy-CMAppDT -appName "PingKing 2.0.0" -DeploymentType "PingKing 2.0.0" -newDTname "PingKing Updated" -siteCode P01 -siteServer CM01
This is the name of the configmgr application that has the deployment type. This accepts input from pipeline.
.PARAMETER DeploymentType
This is the name of the Deployment Type that you want to copy.
This is the name of the new DeploymentType.
This the ConfigMgr site code you are working with. Defaults to LAB
.PARAMETER siteServer
This the site server you are going to working with.  WMI calls are made to this server.  It is most likely your primary site server.
param (
$siteCode = "LAB",
$siteServer = "cm01.cm.lab"
begin {
write-verbose "Import module"
import-module 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\ConfigurationManager.psd1' -force #make this work for you
write-verbose "Connect to Provider and change location"
if ((get-psdrive $sitecode -erroraction SilentlyContinue | measure).Count -ne 1) {
new-psdrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider "AdminUI.PS.Provider\CMSite" -Root $SiteServer
write-verbose "Connect to the default scope"
try {
$connectionManager = New-Object Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ManagementProvider.WqlQueryEngine.WqlConnectionManager
$connectionManager.Connect($siteServer) | Out-Null
[Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ApplicationManagement.NamedObject]::DefaultScope = [Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.AdminConsole.AppManFoundation.ApplicationFactory]::GetAuthoringScope($connectionManager)
catch {
throw-error "$error[0]"
write-verbose "Set location $sitecode"
set-location $sitecode`:


process {
write-verbose "Get Application $appName"
try {
$Appdt = Get-CMApplication -Name $appName
catch {
throw "Unable to get $appName - $error[0]"

$xml = [Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ApplicationManagement.Serialization.SccmSerializer]::DeserializeFromString($appdt.SDMPackageXML,$True)

$numDTS = $xml.DeploymentTypes.count
write-verbose "Number of DT: $numDTS"
$dts = $xml.DeploymentTypes

foreach ($dt in $dts)
if ($dt.title -eq $DeploymentType ) {
write-verbose "Found DT $deploymenttype"
$newDeploymentType = $dt.Copy()
write-verbose "Set new DT name $newDTname"
$newDeploymentType.Title = $newDTname

if ($newDeploymentType.GetType().name -eq 'DeploymentType') {

write-verbose "New DT created"

write-verbose "Commit to AppObject"
$UpdatedXML = [Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ApplicationManagement.Serialization.SccmSerializer]::SerializeToString($XML, $True)
$appdt.SDMPackageXML = $UpdatedXML
Set-CMApplication -InputObject $appDT
else {
write-error "No DeploymentType $newDTname located"

write-verbose "Return to c:"
set-location c:

Boundary Groups and Secondary Sites

After spending a few hours reading about how-to configure Boundaries and Boundary Groups in regards to Secondary Sites in ConfigMgr 2012 I was yet to find something that really made anything explicitly clear. How does a client know that it’s it should be communicating with the Secondary Site?

So far I gathered that Site Assignment can not be conflicting with other boundaries, but Distribution Points can be assigned all over the place.

And you can associate one or more distribution point with each boundary group. You can also add a single distribution point to multiple boundary groups. The default behavior is to choose the closest server from which to transfer the content from. And remember that ConfigMgr 2012 supports that a client is a member of multiple boundary groups for content location, but not for automatic site assignment

From <https://msandbu.wordpress.com/2012/10/05/boundaries-and-boundary-groups/>

To further understand the site assignment I read the most quoted blog all over the internet. Something’s became more clear – such as the fact that the Primary Site should always be used as the Site Assignment for a boundary.

Note that none of this implies that MPs are located using Content Location Boundary Groups, just the fact that a client is within the scope of a secondary. MP retrieval in ConfigMgr 2012 is not based on client location, just site assignment. The above also does not imply that clients will fallback to a primary site if the MP in the secondary site is down; when an MP at a secondary goes down, clients within the scope of that secondary are essentially on an island unless you change the Boundary Groups and wait for their 25 hour re-evaluation cycle or the clients detect a network change.

From <http://myitforum.com/myitforumwp/2012/08/02/secondary-sites-and-boundary-groups/>

Yet another thread provided some insight into that MPs are actually evaluated if they are part provided as a preferred management point.

  • They enable clients to find a primary site for client assignment (automatic site assignment).
  • They can provide clients with a list of available site systems that have content after you associate the distribution point and state migration point site system servers with the boundary group.
  • Beginning with System Center 2012 Configuration Manager SP2, they support management points and can provide clients with a list of preferred management points.

From <https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/ec3bae17-9b97-42d0-9c23-f634a3665606>

This last quote made it click though… If a boundary group is used for both site assignment and for content location the Management Point (of the Secondary Site) should also be specified in the list of Distribution Points.

Here is the conclusion:

Irrespective of the option “Clients prefer to use management points specified in boundary groups” is selected or not selected, If the hierarchy contains a Secondary Site with multiple Boundary Groups associated with it for site assignment, each Boundary Group “MUST” have the Management Point of that Secondary Site is added.

From <https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/senthilkumar/2015/08/10/configmgr2012-sp2-r2sp1-preferred-management-points-configuration-and-secondary-sites/>

Well, how does this actually look?


Now, this has to be the piece of historic GUI that simply has been left behind. Its ugly, and no one truly gets this. In the above case – a client that is a member of the above Boundary Group will be communicating to the Secondary Site. I wonder what happens if there are conflicts with assigned MPs…?

The check-mark Use this boundary for site assignment has been recommended to separate into a separate boundary group (gives clarity I suppose). Secondary Sites should never be used for site assignment.I can only assume (based on the last quote I posted above) that if a Site Assignment and a Site Server System are separated the addition of both a Secondary Site MP and a local DP into the Site Systems Server-part are not necessary. I haven’t confirmed this though…

Incase you want to see how many clients are assigned to a specific Management Point a splendid fella just posted a simple SQL-query to identify this.

ConfigMgr and a backlog in distributions


Do you have a primary site and a few secondary sites in ConfigMgr 2012+?

Do you schedule the legacy Package format to update on a schedule?


Do you have a backlog in the distribution manager?

Well, so far this is known (by Microsoft) defect that apparently is yet to be fixed (until 1606 – nothing confirmed beyond that)


If you review the database where ConfigMgr resides you can see that there is a constant growing amount of DistributionJobs. Sample query to get an overview;

use <database>
select COUNT(*) from distributionjobs

The problem grows the more packages you have set to update on a schedule. The frequency of the schedule is not relevant, the package will loop into a forever updating loop. Most likely the primary site will handle this efficiently, however the sending to secondary sites will cause a backlog that is not just an annoyance but causing severe problems as the backlog will continue to grow.

Repeating this: The frequency of the schedule is not relevant. Just check the above checkbox and the issue will occur.

SQL query to locate relevant packages

use <database>
select pkg.PkgID, pkg.Manufacturer, pkg.Name, pkg.Version, pkg.Language, pkg.RefreshSchedule from SMSPackages as pkg
where datalength(pkg.RefreshSchedule) !=0


Easy – uncheck all these check-boxes that updates packages. If you still want to update packages on a schedule use a powershell script to trigger the update and use the task scheduler to run the update.

Run the command-line;

powershell -executionpolicy bypass -file SCCM.UpdatePkg.ps1 -packageid <PACKAGEID>

(I honestly don’t know if I have stolen / copied this from somewhere – if I have give me a ping and I will remove this)

# Created on: 2014-10-28 15:06
# Created by: Nicke Källén
# Organization: Applepie.se
# Filename: SCCM.UpdatePkg.ps1

Function Invoke-CMPackageUpdate
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Please Enter Primary Server Site code")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Please Enter Primary Server Name")]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True,HelpMessage="Please Enter Package/Application ID")]

$PackageClass = [wmiclass] "\\$($siteserver)\root\sms\site_$($sitecode):SMS_Package"
$newPackage = $PackageClass.CreateInstance()

$newPackage.PackageID = $PackageID



Invoke-CMPackageUpdate -SiteCode <SITECODE> -SiteServer <SERVER> -PackageID $packageid